By Terez Howard
When I was a kid, I always wanted a Power Wheels Barbie car. You know what I’m talking about. It’s one of those cars that children can drive around in their backyards. I thought I would go on backyard adventures in my own Barbie Jeep.
When I begged my parents for one, they said that the cars were too expensive and that I would soon grow out of the toy. Needless to say, I hated that answer and persisted in my requests. But I never got one.
Don’t feel badly for me, though. I was never deprived of anything as a child. My parents were right. I remember passing by those little cars in a toy store once, wondering if I was ever tiny enough to squeeze in one.
In the meantime, I improvised. I took my little red wagon and pretended it was my race car. I took it on many adventures and “drove” it all around my house.
Do the best with what you have
My little story illustrates what you can do with a supposed lackluster blog. I see it all the time. Blogs have super impressive graphics, photos, amazing video, killer content, free reports, e-books AND the kitchen sink. They have everything, and that makes me feel like I have nothing.
But I’m not going to sit around and feel sorry about myself. You shouldn’t, either.
Here’s something you can do when comparisons leave your blog behind others. Ask yourself:
- What makes my blog special?
- What uniqueness do I have to bring to the table?
- How can I use these two things to benefit my audience?
For me, first and foremost, I’m a writer. So, I make it a point to do my utmost to write quality content. What is it for you? Are you best at research, marketing, design, or something else? Whatever your strong point is make it the strongest part of your blog. So, if you take great photos, then include your own original, awesome pictures with your posts.
But what if you want to be that big time blog that has it all?
Take baby steps
You’ll get there, and so will I, for that matter. You are not going to have a flashy blog overnight, unless you pay a pretty penny for it. So take your time to first create a blog rich in high quality content which highlights your strongest qualities.
After you master that, move on to add another aspect to your blog and another and another. Personally I don’t have all the time in the world, and I know that it’s impossible for me to learn a new concept in a few days. It’s not that I don’t have the mind for it; I just don’t have the time for it.
If you’re in my boat, rest assured that you can learn simple html coding and how to edit video content. Just take your time. If you don’t, a rushed, thrown-together product will not get good feedback from your readers or yourself.
Do the best you can with what you have, and try to not compare yourself with others. Instead, learn from the gurus’ victories and mistakes when building your blog.
What do you do to improve your blog?
Terez Howard operates TheWriteBloggers, a professional blogging service which builds clients’ authority status and net visibility. She has written informative pieces for newspapers, online magazines and blogs, both big and small. She regularly blogs at Freelance Writing Mamas. You’ll find her on Twitter @thewriteblogger.
Thanks, Terez!
–ME “Liz” Strauss
Work with Liz on your business!!