I love this! Check it outâ¦
It’s hard to believe that any individual I’ve helped focus a business hasn’t heard me say, “Get Michael Port’s book, Book Yourself Solid.” I keep it on the stand by my bed. It’s a timeless book that delivers on the title by explaining in clear easy steps how to build a solid practice through focus on and care for the people you serve.
So it was pretty darn exciting to me when I spoke on the phone with Michael Port this week and he said that he has created a quick, easy, and inexpensive way for you to get all the richness of his experience in a 2-day webinar in September.
I’m not kidding. This is something very cool. It is not online marketing or get rich quick. It’s systematic and professional business building that sticks.
If you know my blog at all in 5 years, I’ve rarely taken on an affiliate relationship.
However, I want to support this program, because it’s the right information at the right time by the right teacher at a price that is way less than I would have expected. (In fact, I so believe in it, I didn’t even ask him what the affiliate relationship is.)
Check it out. See for yourself.
Michael’s marketing advice is the best around. He’s also a generous human being who “gets” the value of relationships.
Bottom line: he delivers what he promises.
–ME “Liz” Strauss
Work with Liz on your business!!
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