It’s Really Happening
You know it was the power of many people who made the SOBCon even come together. It was the risk of a few, but the energy of so many. Lots of folks make an investment to be here because they sensed the difference. Last night they saw it in each other’s faces.
How increidible, the intelligence, the spark, the respect. When open comment night came it was no stand and tell us who you are. It was you’re on Oprah, talk to us, we want to know you.
Later when it was time to tell a Gorgeous nonblogging, blog reader, a blog tip or two, the tips came from the heart, folks wanted everyone to know.
It was the best of friends, the best of education, the best of kids playing in the back yard with imagination.
Imagine if every person you worked wth could be from a relationship like that?
Business and relationships belong together.
We can change the world — just like that.
–ME “Liz” Strauss