Before You Begin, Know This

Three thoughts collided in my head this morning. The first was the start of my third year on this blog. The second was that the Google algorithm change returned this blog to where it was ranked when I started two years ago. The third thought was a statement by a woman I’ve been friends with for almost a decade. . . . She started blogging about a month ago. This week she said,
I had no idea what you’ve accomplished. You’re considered a thought leader by so many.
I can’t see what she sees. I can’t be where I am and be where she is too. I sit at my keyboard, looking back at all of the words — typed and spoken — between then and now. I think about all of the people I’ve talked to . . . in the comment box, on the telephone, at conferences and meetups, in coffee shops.
I think of their lives, their time, my life, my time, and I realize that content has been important, no question, but it hasn’t been king. Conversation with real people always will be.
Now this morning, I realize . . .
Real conversation uncovering new thoughts isn’t about keywords or searchable content. How could it be? . . . folks can’t search for truly new ideas.
Seems a good reason NOT to be a thought leader . . . new thoughts aren’t searchable.
If search is what you value . . . like I said, it’s about the conversation to me.
–ME “Liz” Strauss
Work with Liz!!