Taking on New Information
When I was younger, it worked like this . . .
Someone would pose an idea or concept that was foreign to my thinking or my experience. I would have to be convinced.
I would mentally sit back and make the other person prove the validity of what he or she had to say. While I listened, I would analyze and evaluate. It was all clever thinking, helping by shooting holes in an argument.
These days, I go for this . . .
Someone poses an idea or concept that is foreign to my thinking or my experience. I ask him or her to persuade me.
Mentally I move back and forth both trying on and looking at the new idea. Even when I’m not qualified with experience or context, I can evaluate the strength of solid thinking well enough to know who is.
Which method do you use? Are you convinced or persuaded?
–ME “Liz” Strauss
Work with Liz!!