In Business and in Life

When I find myself in a conflict, it’s easy for me to see both sides — my own and the other guy’s. My natural response is to be biased to the benefit of the other side. I still seem to have this a natural instinct to want to fix things in their favor.
My mind knows that’s not a great idea. To set my own position aside for theirs is wrong for me, wrong for the other guy, and wrong for the relationship.
Still my heart says, “Have some forgiveness. Take the hit. Help the guy. You know how to make things right.”
Is that generosity, arrogance, or self-defeating behavior? I’m beginning to think it might be as simple as wanting to have the conflict quickly resolved and put away.
The problem is some folks learn to rely on that response and then, I’m caught in my own bind. Every teacher knows it’s not a good thing to reinforce bad behavior. Yet, my sense of fairness says, “Why should this person act otherwise when I’ve basically taught him or her this is who I am?”
When is the “giveness” of forgiveness too valuable to “give away”?
–ME “Liz” Strauss
Work with Liz!!