If you have one of these . . .
You are listed in the SOB Directory
I’m delighted to report that the SOB Directory is one of the MOST VISITED pages at Successful Blog. The story in the stats says that referrals come regularly to that page during the week and on the weekend. During the week, daily readers and their friends often visit both past SOB pages and the SOB Directory. I guess they’re looking for blogs they know and want to read again. On the weekend, new SOBs and their friends join the traffic to see what being an SOB is all about, I guess.
Let Me Introduce You.
In the SOB directory, you’ll see some blogs have a blog description. Do you know about this opportunity? Send me a brief two or three sentence description of your blog. Using your description, I can write an official introduction post for you blog. I’ll feature that post on the front page before I add the description to the SOB Directory.
Introducing Brightmeadow
Introducing Clear Your Mind
Introducing The Synchronicity of Indeterminacy
Introducing Cottontimer
Introducing Simplenomics
Seems like everyone must have directory description already written somewhere on their computer. Dust it off and e-mail it to me at lizsun2@gmail.com.
Let me introduce to you all of the Successful-Blog readers.
It’s Free Promotion
It’s free promotion for you, your brand, your business, and your blog. Free Promotion! How much nicer could it get?
Gee, I really am the nice one.
–ME “Liz” Strauss
Related articles:
What IS an SOB?!
SOB Hall of Fame