Sit Up Straight
Alex Shalman and I have been talking by email. He’s a most engaging blogger. He seems to have a new idea every week minute that involves other bloggers interacting with him.
He’s the real deal about what he’s doing. I know, he’s managed to survive a whole string of emails with me. This morning even survived a phone call. Then IM’d me that I’m hilarious. Go figure!
Now, I’m doing a meme . . . because with three blogs of my own, two more that I write for, three important clients, several writing students, SOBCon 07, a book, the 200 Outstanding Blogs Project and another start-up project . . . I’ve been feeling like, a bit of . . . . um er, . . . . a slacker.
Alex started this project, but apparently he got Aaron involved. Aaron thought I
So, Aaron, here they are:
- Build something that makes a difference to humanity.
- Write something that moves people to realize their potential.
- Learn something that pushes my thinking deeper and truer.
- Dance more. Laugh more. Inspire more people, including myself.
- Finish the amazing and fun book about Larry and the dog.
- Gather enough money of my own to help anyone I want to help whenever I want to.
- Be extraordinary, live in extraordinary circumstances, do extraordinary things, without worrying about it.
- Fly around the world once a year again to see my friends.
- Give away everything that I know.
- Earn a 7 figure salary by serving those I love who love what I do.
I was going to tag some other slackers like me, but I think you all know who you are. So if you gotta get goals, spread some link love while you figure out the path to your dream. Don’t blow this off . . . having goals is the first step to getting there.
One little goal is enough for now . . . gotta get goals.
It doesn’t hurt. I promise.
–ME “Liz” Strauss