While You Wait for the Party
I was strolling around the Internet and found this most unusual site. It’s called Swarm. The homepage says its a graphical map of how hundreds of websites around the world connect to each other in real time. It is that.
You can chat about a site in forums or you can watch traffic move via red lines.
To answer the question Why use this? the page says Swarm is a useful tool for browsing not searching, to come with an open mind. To get to the homepage click on this screenshot. To actually try it, then click the button that says “Go use Swarm.”
It’s really cool to look at. . . . I’ve been doing that for two days now. Swarm is so beautiful and fun. I’d like to recommend it for a business reason, but I still haven’t come up with a practical use for it. It sure is a fun toy, though. I can’t even tell you what it is in 100 words or less.
Can you tell me?
–ME “Liz” Strauss
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