about hesitation and strategy.
I was painfully shy as a child. If you’ve been there, then you know. Painfully shy is literally painful — it scrapes at your being. You know who you are are, but for some cloudy reason, a wall prevents you. You can’t let the world see you. All you are or all you can be stays tucked away .
It’s what today would be called Extreme Hesitation.
Yet leaders outgrow those childhood fears and walls, don’t we?
Do we?
I was faced with a situation last winter. What was awful was that — even to me — the question looked so trivial, but it had to do with what I had named “visible authenticity.” They said wear this. I said “no.” They cared more than I did. But we had agreed that I would be dressing to reflect the essence of my personality. “This” wasn’t me.
I felt painfully shy once more … I recognized the conflict, but now I was grown enough to put words to the feeling.
I knew me better than they did. Authenticity was my choice, and choosing for me was my responsibility..
I learned about owning my life.
I think of it as Extreme Strategy.
Choose your own path, but always choose wisely.
Leaders don’t need to follow, nor do they choose the road that will draw the most followers.
They don’t say “yes,” when their hearts and their feet are telling them to say “no.”
Traveling other our path is what makes being shy truly painful.
Leaders don’t hesitate in moving forward.
People who are afraid do.
Leaders don’t look for approval.
They know.
They go where their head, their heart, and their purpose compels them to go.
And people follow.
Because deeply knowing where you’re going is irresistibly attractive.
Authenticity is the key to leadership strategy. Own what you know and find the opportunities. The rest is just learning. We’ve been doing that since we started school.
Are you willing own your life?
I make connections.