about the conversation in the comment box.
About three weeks before SOBCon07, as I was planning what I would say. I sat in my darkened bedroom imagining the time and the place. When I did, a stunning thing struck me, overtook me, I finally saw the whole group.
The image was even more than I had been ready to receive. I suddenly realized the room would be filled with people who had generously shared their minds. It was amazing, electric. I was overwhelmed at the idea that a roomful of people could know each other so well.
The reality was even more than that. . . . How could it be possible?
Research says that 50% of how we communicate is nonverbal – it’s in the tone, expression, body language, such things. One study showed that 84% of communication on the telephone is vocal and 16% is verbal.
How could these people — we, who never met — know each other so well?
It was trust and safety. . . . like it is every morning here.
That’s not to say that it never comes out just a little wrong, but so often it’s so much more than right. We learn and discover. We laugh and cavort. We design, narrate, create like conductors, feel for each other, play. We talk words into meaning. We have world-size ideas.
How do we crawl into a comment box and turn off the rules of 3-D?
Maybe it’s that we know that we are listening. Maybe it’s that we take time to think. Maybe it’s that we know that our words are everlasting.
Maybe it’s that we’re not in a box at all . . .
Maybe we’re talking in our hearts and our heads.
I hear your voice when you type what you think.