I’ve been looking at this picture for days.
It reminds me of so many people I care about. It reminds me of when I sometimes feel that way.
It’s hard thing to be standing back and watching. It’s a faraway, lonesome thing to be feeling shy. I stop myself when I feel it happening. I lift my chin and tell myself that’s not living.
And now, I’m asking you to come out from behind. It’s not an act of courage. It’s test-driving your smile.
Come out where we can see you.
It’s not nearly as hard as a mind can imagine.
I know. I have a spectacular imagination of my own.
We get to thinking that maybe other folks have some sort of secret.
That’s why they’re there and we’re here, but that’s not how it goes.
Ain’t no handbook filled with the keys to belonging.
The world’s never seen one. Who’d write it? Who’d buy if someone did?
We’re all of the same species with our own ideas of what’s good.
Some folks thrive on believing that they make the sun rise every morning.
They fall apart when they finally find out that it ain’t so.
Some folks never worry about how the day gets going.
They’re the ones worth connecting with.
Then there’s us discounting. Turn off the minus signs and start counting instead. Someone might this minute be searching for a plus sign that only you have.
Watching ain’t living. Living is about participating in life.
Come out, I need help with this question . . .
What can I do to make it easier when my friends feel shy?
–ME “Liz” Strauss
Image: http:stockvault.net
Work with Liz!!