Welcome to the SOB Cafe
We offer the best in thinking–articles on the business of blogging written by the Successful and Outstanding Bloggers of Successful Blog. Click on the titles to enjoy each selection.
The Specials this Week are
Success Begins Today gives us a tour of the hometown — Guess who works there?
Ten Keyboards promotes looking for what works in a personal way.
WordSell offers 20 Tips that will bring success.
Jamdo tells how to break a promise.
Conversation Agent has advise about playing being “it'” with your resume.
The Remote Control CEO has found the office I want.
Related ala carte selections include
901a.m. has the latest news on our favorite doll.
Sit back. Enjoy your read. Nachos and drinks will be right over. Stay as long as you like. No tips required. Comments appreciated.
Have a great weekend!
–ME “Liz” Strauss