about surrendering and … living it up.
I’m not a knight or a warrior. I can’t fight another person’s fight.
Every time I do. I end up wrong.
I can’t wear their clothes. They don’t fit. I look silly.
I can’t walk in their shoes. When I try I fall down.
I only sound right when I sing my own song.
It’s not a selfish thing. It’s a surrender to who I am.
It took me a while to figure out that I can toss and turn, stretch and skew an idea, but I can’t change the way my brain works. I can walk all the way around and through a thought or a belief, but I can’t change the chemistry or the electricity of a single synapse — slow them down maybe — but not reroute and remap the system to work as someone’s else might.
I’m always going to be the one who sees an angel in the clouds.
Living up to who I am is a far better use of my life than trying to become something I’m not.
Have you thought about surrendering to your life and living it up to who you are?