Jobseeker, Freelancer, or Entrepreneur
We all need meaningful work to pay the bills and feel good about who we are.
In the past six months, I’ve had the experience of interviewing candidates for positions with my conference and a new roles for a company that’s starting up. What I’m finding explains a lot. Most of us don’t know how to talk about ourselves, our personal vision, and our successes. Few of us have a real strategy..
To bring it down to it’s most basic form, most people only think they are actively looking for work. They are waiting to be hired. That makes their role to react to a “job offer.” In hopes of getting more they open their net broad and wide, and then wider, and wider to take more and more potential customers in.
Unfortunately, most people who are hiring aren’t looking for anyone who do anything. We want someone unique who’s passionate about working for us.
Showcase the Professional You Are to Land that Job
We start by defining you and who you love to serve — the ideal employer, client, customer. I’ll ask questions that get to the heart of who you are — your successes and your passions. It won’t take long — maybe an hour. We’ll pull out the relationships and patterns to define what talk most about and where you excel. We’ll discuss the kind of problems you enjoy solving and identify the passion at the heart of your business.
The Complete Story
We’ll get to a business profile of you that includes
1. What your professional strengths are and what you want to be known for.
- What problem do you solve?
- What is your unique value?
2. What you can promise and will deliver — this usually is bringing people or customers to the table, getting people to buy, act, move,
3. The a partnership you offer — that you hear them and will be there, that you can think as they think, what you bring to any work situation that no other person will, what work situations you thrive in and what sort of people you want to work with.
4. A “do” line — the brief answer to “What do you do? With a tagline that describes you that’s easy to remember because it expresses the authentic you.
We’re all attracted to people who know who they are and where they’re going. We know people like that get things done and moving. They have time for ideas and action.
Don’t fit yourself into a job, find the job that fits you.
Yes, you can afford this. It’s a special offer for 15 readers of my blog. Email me . . . It’s fun. Really. It’s what I’m good at. If you like that, we can keep going and make a longer plan for your business.
–ME “Liz” Strauss
Work with Liz!!