Net Neutrality Links
I’m adding this link to the Net Neutrality Page.
Even Giants Like Siemens Worry
Why would Siemens worry about net neutrality’s effects on smaller companies? Its customers aren’t necessarily big. “We sell to small and medium companies that are built on a low-cost structure and are net-dependent,” said [Ralph] Riley {Siemens senior executive] in Ann Arbor, Mich.
While the debate over net neutrality continues, users remain the forgotten stakeholders. Click here to read more.
He already sees potential for danger for his company’s markets and customers. “This would probably restrict much of the drive toward mobility that’s growing in American business,” Riley said. He said that with greater regulation, it could become impossible for users to roam freely from one carrier to another as they do now.
“What it would do is suppress much of the opportunity businesses have in expanding mobility,” he said. “How would you go anywhere without being charged too much or not getting access?”
But Riley said he also worries that too much regulation would be just as bad. . . .
–ME “Liz” Strauss