Skin Hunger

At my mothers’ funeral, I watched my 3-year-old nephew sit beside his father, touch him on the shoulder, and say “There, there, Daddy.” The words said little. They said, “I love you. I’m here.”
That scene made me watch. I thought of how many ways we touch in times of crisis and high emotion — handshakes, hugs, pats on the back, high fives, even bumping heads and bottoms. Somehow putting ourselves in touch with one another lets us know we’re not alone on this gigantic planet. That’s an important feeling. We have need to be a part of something more than ourselves for our lives to have meaning.
I read about skin hunger — the need to be touched in a caring manner, a touch that is safe and appropriate. We don’t realize how touch is essential to human survival.
One study I read 20 years ago said we need 16 touches every day and that without them we will unconsciously start bumping to people to fulfill the need to satisfy our hunger.
It’s something to think about the next time someone accidentally bumps into me . . . that it was important.
Now, I look for ways to a shake hand or touch a person on the shoulder.
Reach out and touch someone.
We can change the world — just like that.
–ME “Liz” Strauss
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