Think about That

When you sit looking at a blank screen wondering what you’ll write about today. Do you find yourself thinking, “I already said that.”
Do you go out of your way not to repeat yourself?
Think about that …
That single idea will make your job harder and harder the more you write.
Establishing a coherent core marketing message that identifies who you are, identifies the problem you can solve and gives the potential customer a look at what life looks like after their problem is solved is key to success in your consulting business. Anton Pearce
Studies show that people need to hear the same message many times in many ways to process it fully. Why do you think repetition is such a big part of both school and advertising? Great brands, great marketers, and great teachers know that their message is key to expressing how they what they have to offer can solve problems and change lives. Service professionals spend hours on their 30-second pitch to introduce themselves. Don’t set such power aside.
Our most basic message positions and defines us.
A good positioning statement easily adapts to various media. It should be simply stated and works in every aspect of your marketing effort. So in summary, a positioning statement is:
* Short sentence-less than 12 words (not counting product name)
* Simple language
* Adaptable to various media
* A compelling statement of one benefit
* A conceptual statementâ¦not necessarily copy
* Supported by 3 additional benefit claims
* Satisfies 4 evaluation criteria (unique, believable, important and useable)
— Messages that Matter
Great speakers and writers say the same things in different contexts. Great rock bands are constantly asked to play the same songs again. Weave your message into everything you write and don’t be afraid to write about it often. It’s what your readers came to learn more about.
Surely your classic message deserves to be discussed more than once.
What message of yours is worth repeating most often?
You’re not a stranger anymore.
–ME “Liz” Strauss
Work with Liz on your business!!
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