Saturday Night at the Virals …
Picked this up from a fabulous article at influx about the new sophistication in the world of viral.
Looking at the world of viral, it seems to have shifted into a new gear recently. The LED sheep film for Samsung is evidence of the sophistication of viral. It’s no longer a one hit gag wonder, it’s layered and detail and full of lots of elements.
Watch this it’s a fabulous 2 minutes and 44 seconds
Influx makes the point that social media is now about special and specific tools, understanding data sets, and people with the ability to create socially applicable and strategically-relevant responses with immediacy.
But the question remains …
A week from now, will you remember who paid the BAAAA-Studs in the video?
Or will you just remember the extreme sheep LED art tricks?
–ME “Liz” Strauss
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