A Successful-Blog Birthday Post!
from Rick Cockrum
She has her eyes. He has his nose. She has your smile.
All babies show the mark of the genes of their parents. Blogs are no different. Any blog with a soul bears the mark of its author as surely as any child is marked by the genes of it’s parents.
You’re not a stranger any more.
Those are some of the first words that I and many others read when we came through the doors of Successful-Blog. That’s where Liz shows through. The saloon-keeper’s daughter had a baby and raised her up to be a friendly place where anyone is welcome. It’s a place to read, to learn, to share, to talk. And now she’s turning two. As a human, Successful-Blog would just be a toddler. As a blog, she’s coming into her maturity.
Successful-Blog was one of the first blogs I began reading regularly. As others have said before, I came for the information and stayed for the conversation. One of the most important things that’s happened because of Successful-Blog is the relationships that have happened around it. Many of the names in my blogroll are people I’ve met through Successful-Blog, people like Joe, Chris, Carolyn, Ben, Tony, Terry, Phil, Christine.
Tuesday night open comments has been especially influential. That’s where SOBCon was born. Terry and I planned a song together. I decided that Hey, it may not be great, but it’s okay to put my verse online. At last year’s birthday party Liz invited us to bring a link. I brought Your Life, Your Greatest Work Of Art. In that post I said
Your life is the greatest act of imagination and creative expression that you can know
Successful-Blog brings that to our virtual world.
Happy Birthday, Successful-Blog!
You’re not a stranger any more.