In a conversation with Phil early this morning, we realized we are ready for the collaboration part of this endeavor. Here’s how it will work:
- Phil will choose two days or evenings per week we can meet via voice.
- He’ll arrange his time so that after each call he has a block of writing time.
- I’ll arrange my time so that before each call I have prep time. I’ll send a list of the pages we’ll be talking about.
- When we talk we’ll cover 3-8 pages in one section, discussing what rewrites they might need to flow together.
- Phil will do the rewrites immediately after.
- Phil will hold all of the rewrites until we’ve been through the entire first pass of the book.
Now the book is shaping up as a whole. We’ll be looking at how things fit together and flow. One of the relevant key word strings in Phil’s working title is “practical tips.” On the pages, we made a rule that each page has a real-life application of what Phil has described. During our two phone calls each week, we’ll be testing each tip to make sure that there are no repeats, that all of them can be done, and all can be called practical.
We’ll revisit the working title even more often than we already were.
The cover and the title are a promise of what is inside of the book. So we are careful to constantly revisit the title to make sure that the choices we make are in keeping with what our goal is.
This is where bloggers outshine the average off the street author. Bloggers know the value of relevant key words. They know readers search for important terms.Bloggers understand from their daily publishing that they should call a book what it is, not something clever that readers won’t understand.
We’re scaffolding down to a manscript that is beginning to be more like a book.
–ME “Liz” Strauss
If you’d like Liz to help you find or make a book from your archives, click on the Work with Liz!! page in the sidebar.
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