Just because you can do it, it doesn’t mean that you should.
Your Neighborhood Niche
The Internet affords us the ability to blog for business all over the world. Just because we CAN do that, it doesn’t necessarily mean that we SHOULD. As commerce moves to the Internet, all advice points to thinking smaller. People no longer want one-size-fits-all. We should be casting a smaller net into a smaller pond. Niche-brand marketing is what I call it — doing one thing better and more efficiently than anyone else.
Writers are always told, Write what you know.
Customers You Know
Where do you know better than your own neighborhood? The people are the customers you know best. You’re one of them. You live in their world. You go where they go. You have the same problems they have. You know the language and the culture. You even know a lot of the people by name.
Mike Sigers at Simplenomics has a great post today on the many ways that bloggers can make money working with businesses without leaving their own neighborhoods.
You are a customer to your neighbors. Why not have them as your customers as well?
The first advantage of blogging your neighborhood is that your customers have a real world address. What other advantages are working for you when you choose to blog your neighborhood, rather than to blog the world?
–ME “Liz” Strauss
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