The Secret to Making Money Online — or Anywhere!
It works like this, and you don’t need to be famous.
1. If,
you have a product or service
that people with money actually want to buy
2. and . . .
you’re willing to do what it takes you to engage that group’s attention
3. and . . .
you can offer that group irresistible buying opportunities
4. and . . .
for which they are willing to pay more than it costs you to
research, make, build, buy, offer, advertise, sell, serve, and otherwise deliver
what they buy
you will make money.
If you want to make more money:
Follow the above formula with more things they want to buy and more opportunities to buy them.
That’s the secret of how to make money anywhere.
Which step do you see people leave out most frequently?
–ME “Liz” Strauss
Work with Liz!! SOBCon08 is May 2,3,4 in Chicago. Have a plan!! Register now!