We’re pleased to announce that Vernon Lun and folks over at TheGoodBlogs have agreed to join with SOBCon07 as a sponsor!
TheGoodBlogs is a company that is working to create community amongst bloggers so partnering with us here at SOBCon seems like a natural fit. Check out their Goal from their Concept page:
To create distributed communities of bloggers who actively promote each other every time readers visit their blogs.
You say you don’t know what TheGoodBlogs is all about? Take a look at this cool graphic they put together to explain what it is they do:
Because TheGoodBlogs is community based each blogger can create their own community of bloggers to display on their sidebar widget just like you see off to the right there on this page.
Just go to TheGoodBlogs Registration Page to get started sharing TheGoodBlogs on your blog.
And you can join the SOBCon07 Conversation by clicking here:
So welcome Vernon and TheGoodBlogs! We look forward to seeing you in Chicago!