Dear Dave, Janice, and all the Technorati Team,
I’m sorry I rained on your parade yesterday. That wasn’t very nice of me. Usually I’m more careful of such things.
My head was still attached to my heart. The problem was I was only thinking of the people on this side of the equation. I could have let you celebrate your glory for a day. How arrogant of me to charge right in there to find fault. I really am sorry.
But how did you respond?
With winning colors!
Every comment that I forwarded was attended to as far as I can tell — fast, effectively, and without a word of “hey look us.”
And then this morning, an IM from Janice with the biggest surprise of all.
Major corrections to my link count.
Sometimes it’s even harder to move when everyone’s watching.
Thank you, Dave, Janice, and everyone who heard me.
Thank you, for letting me know I bet on the right team.
Congratulations on the Tag Page at Technorati! Is it Our Turn Now?