about conversations with friends.
Last night I had a conversation about social networking with a good friend, it went something like this.
My Friend: On August 1, I had 166 followers and now I’m over 400.
ME: So?
My Friend: Surely you’ve heard that in sales it’s all about the numbers. But you’re saying numbers aren’t the only thing.
ME: So, these people, your followers, are the people who are going to buy from you?
My Friend: You’re saying the key is to convert them into buyers. That’s why I’m networking — having conversations like this one.
ME: What’s the purpose of collecting a higher number of followers? Are those followers the right people for “networking”? Do they move your story forward? Is it useful conversation, relaxation, or just time spent?
My Friend: You’re saying “go after the ones I want to be my clients.” Qualified leads would raise the level of my business. I see your point.
ME: I like this dialogue. You find the answers and give me credit for saying them.
My Friend: You’re saying I’m a good friend to have a conversation with. . . .
— That’s not exactly how the conversation went, but it’s MY story.
He can tell it his way on his own blog. —
How would you tell my friend to adjust his networking time spent to make it a more purposeful investment?