What’s Your Answer?
What wonderfully intriguing post this is. Here is just a bit . . .
When you write a new blog post, who is addressed? Do you have a composite persona in mind? Do you imagine an aggregation of imagined readers, based on those you know well, and those you hope will find you?
Is there a conscious target? Who is it that you hope to enlighten, engage, or enrage?
I cannot believe that you just slap some text, maybe a photo or artwork, into a post template, with total oblivion as to the intended, expected, or hoped for audience. Do you ever blog against a person or group or company or political party? Do you blog to your Future Self? Do you blog for your friends, family, boss?
Does it depend on the specific post? The general topic?
–steven edward streight, to whom do we blog?
The prose is musical. The thoughts are engaging. Go on click the link and enjoy the entire read.
By the way, I’d be interested in your answer.
–ME “Liz” Strauss