See the Difference
Wendy Piersall and I were talking this morning. Our conversation centered around this point.
A blog is a blog. A business is a business.
A blog isn’t a business any more than a building is a company. We can work our hearts out in the name of our blogs — reading feeds, writing posts, commenting, and social networking — but without a plan, those things won’t get us what we need to pay the rent.
I like having conversations about business with Wendy because she “gets” it. She knows that a blog can make money, but a business with a future requires a plan. Once Once Wendy decided that she was going to have a business, a business is what she built.
Wendy Wouldn’t Wait. Will You?
Wendy Piersall was invested in having a business. She wouldn’t wait for someone else to show her how. She made it was her job to research and do the work that needed to be done. She didn’t wait until every star was aligned. She aligned them for herself.
“I saw it as investing.” Wendy said. “I carefully choose what would move my business forward, then I went after the resources to make those things happen.” She scrimped to find time and money. “Do it that way, put your work and money down, and I assure you, you’ll make sure that your investments pay off.”
Wendy made a plan, found the best models, put together a mastermind team for support and went about building a business. Have you paid attention to how far Wendy has come?
This is Wendy’s blog last year.

This is Wendy’s BUSINESS now. By SOBCon08 it will have expanded further.

Wendy wasn’t flush with cash, time, or teachers. She wasn’t waiting for the future. She was ready to make a business. It took her less than a year.
I asked her what was the most important part. She said, “A blog is not a business. Business is a serious leap. You have to be ready to take it on.”
Wendy’s formula for success is familiar — Models, Mastermind Support, and a Plan.
I’m pleased to announce
What are you doing to build the business of your dreams now?
–ME “Liz” Strauss
Work with Liz!! Models, Masterminds, and an Actionable Plan — SOBCon08 is May 2,3,4 in Chicago. Register now!
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