My Blogging Goal Updated May 27, 2008
It was a turning point for this blog when I took up Darren’s Challenge and wrote my blogging goal. Friom that day forward, every decision I made was easier, faster, and more purposeful. I knew the direction I wanted to go.
People who succeed are directed and “in with both feet.”
We built an online community on conversation. But we’re having most of that conversation with each other . . . and the occasional random folk who join us along the way.
Now it’s time to open up the conversation to the offline world — to reach out and invite them to join in.
Business online is affecting offline business models. At the same time, we’re at risk of ignoring business wisdom collected up to now.
Online and offline businesses have so much to offer each other, yet we don’t compare notes nearly often enough.
As Terry and I build out SOBCon to a yearly conference and a Models and Masterminds business, my blogging goal has grown. I work with businesses, universities, and entrepreneurs who are welcoming their online communities into their culture. I work with individuals who are fitting their jobs to their strengths rather than the other way around.
My blogging goal is to connect the online conversation to offline businesses so that we can work together in a profitable way.
What are you doing to connect your online conversation to readers who work offline? Is it time you rewrote your blogging goal?
Drinks and snacks are still available in the sidebar.
Thanks Todd Jordan for the conversation that inspired this post.
–ME “Liz” Strauss
Work with Liz!!
Check out Models and Masterminds too