(Updated in 2020)
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash
10-Point Plan — The Brand Values Baseline Defined
Three Reasons Get Us to the Task at Hand
Now the core team returns to discuss the feedback from the stakeholder leaders who’ve helped them identify the brand values baseline. Review the words each group has returned with and talk through the meaning until the group can roll up the short list to three words that stand for the foundational core values that drive the business. Try one from the head, one from the heart, and one from the long-term vision or meaning.
An example might be these three that drive SOBCon:
Delivering brilliance: We believe in intelligent, elegant connected ideas that raise us up to higher thinking.
Trusting fearlessness: We believe in authentic trust in ourselves and others that has no room for fear as it stand with our intelligent ideas.
Deep Strategic Vision: Our quest and our purpose is to move ourselves, our businesses, and those around us forward with leadership born of strategy and deep meaningful purpose.
Or brilliance, trust, vision. Those three words wrap up the sentences and make the an easy reference for every decision that drives our business. Other people on the core team can choose their synonyms and as long as they mean the same thing, we can trust in the variations and the mutations that will grow from them.
We have our values aligned.
What three values drive your business?
READ the Whole 10-Point Plan Series: On the Successful Series Page.