A Successful-Blog Birthday Reflection
by Scot Herrick

Today, Liz Strauss is celebrating the birthday of Successful Blog and she
has asked that we share with her and her community something that is both
successful and outstanding with us in our lives.Well, it turns out that today is the wedding anniversary with my wife, Kate.
If I were to look at my life and figure out what is both successful and outstanding, the relationship with Kate would be number one on my list.
It was, of course, not easy getting to this point in our lives. There have been previous relationships that have not worked out. In both my wife’s and my life there have been the challenges, the falls, and the triumphs — everything that is wonderful, hard, and fleeting.
It simply prepared us for each other.
I have searched a long time for the right relationship. It has been said that I have been unwilling to settle and have been willing to start over with nothing to find the right relationship. I’ve always questioned — and admired — how people could really believe that they have found the
love of their life.I don’t question that any more.
Tonight, Kate and I will enjoy a quiet anniversary dinner at a wonderful restaurant. In between the courses, we’ll again weave the story of our relationship — the triumphs, sorrows, and laughter — that continues to add to the foundation we have built together. We’ll wonder at how all of this came together; grateful and knowing how the past has shaped what we now have, knowing that we share the future.
We will have no regrets and great confidence in our relationship together.
Because what we have is successful and outstanding.
Scot. Cube Rules