The Value of an Outside Observer
A while back, I was at lunch with a consultant from a top tier strategy firm, a specialist in change management. Her company works with international mega-corporations. They investigate communication disconnects, process model breakdowns, and unproductive beliefs, habits, and behaviors. Their studies are qualitative and quantitative. Their strategic reports are solid, multi-leveled, interdepartmental, focused and team-based. It’s fascinating to hear how it works.
At the core of the process is helping corporations and individuals see themselves so that they can change to accomplish their goals. No one knows the value of an outside observer better than a world class firm in the business of doing do so.
Yet as the conversation continued, I heard the fatal flaw. The top-tier consultancy was performing a “change management” project within their own firm. No outside professionals were invited to help.
“We can do it ourselves. It’s our business,” was what she said.
I thought, I suppose every one of their clients thinks the same thing.
Of course, we’d never make that sort of mistake.
Have you got a change manager?
I started working with mine right after that lunch.
I make connections.
–ME “Liz” Strauss