A Guest Post by Kyle Lacy

I was asked to write this guest post about the power of simplicity in blog design and honestly, I was at a loss for words. What does it mean to have simplicity in blog design? Are we discussing the concepts of the layout design? Or a universal view of all things blog? I am not here to talk about the back-end coding of a blog, the rules of user interface design, or minimalistic thoughts on design…but the ability to give your readers the easiest way to read your valuable CONTENT.
It is easy to say that the simpler the design the better. I mean… look at Google and Yahoo. Google has one of the simplest website designs… ever. The design hasn’t changed much since the creation of the search engine. While Yahoo… in all of the search world glory… has everything but a kitchen sink. Google has proved that simplicity wins in design but where does simplicity fit in blog design?
I could give you a list of the top 10 reasons why blog design should be simple… but honestly… we don’t have the time. There is one reason why your blog design should be simplistic in nature…
Readers should have the ability to scan your content without experiencing a headache or stress… which will eventually lead to a heart attack.. which none of us want…NO READER DEATHS!
I’m taking the Google route. Simplicity in blog design is key because YOUR content must be easy to scan by the reader. I am not here to preach. In no stretch of the imagination is my blog even close to simplistic… but it is closer than most. What do you want the visitor to experience when surfing your blog and your content?
Remember, your content is king. Design around your content.
Since design is the main topic of conversation in this post.. I wanted to share with you 5 blogs I find extremely BRILLIANT when it comes to simplistic design.
2. AI Alex
5. I am Neato
They focus on the content… period.
Kyle Lacy oversees a company called Brandswag, which focuses on design, branding and social media education. With offices in Indianapolis and Oklahoma City, Brandswag helps business owners connect with their customers and sustain profitability by presenting consistent images and messages in the marketplace. He recently finished writing Twitter Marketing for Dummies which can be found on Amazon.com
Kyle, thank you! This is the best on the subject I’ve seen in a long time.
–ME “Liz” Strauss
Work with Liz on your business!!
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